Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Chocolate Covered Gratitude by any other name is still...

When I named this blog, it was purely out of my enthusiasm for all of the beautiful things that surround me and astound me in this world and in my life.  Well that - and my unadulterated love of all things chocolate.  By its very name, it may seem to exude all kinds of sunshine and roses, sweet, easy moments, and a steady stream of happily ever afters.  Yet, the first postings hint at a different kind of gratitude - more like a fortitude - born out of struggle and hardship.  Perhaps seemingly opposite, both are points of view reflective of the happenings in my life and my perspective as a result of them.

The way I see it, the moments and experiences of life form the questions, of which there are limitless possibilities.  Sometimes those questions are delicious and can literally make us swoon.  Other times, those questions are murky or downright painful and no answer will ever suffice.  Most of the time, the questions fall somewhere in between and can feel like a roller-coaster of ups and downs leaving our overall perspective of life highly dependent on the moment we are experiencing right now.

And, what is it that is at the root of what we are experiencing right now?  Circumstances - either the outer circumstances of life or our inner circumstances, or thoughts - to both of which we have attached ourselves by way of our attention to them.  So, whatever our thoughts are, about what has our attention, is directly indicative of our current state of being.

I honor that things happen in life and that we humans think thoughts about them and react to them.  I honor that we humans are vastly different and so our thoughts and reactions to things are also vastly different. And, I honor that, as such, this world is a little bit of everything I love, a little bit not so much, and a whole lotta in between.  Now, math is not my strongest talent, so I will keep it simple.  Since that is the world in which I live, I run the risk of spending two thirds of my life in the in between and the not so much places - YIKES!  That can range from a little bit disorienting to downright terrifying and heartbreaking, so...I need a north star.

Chocolate covered gratitude is my north star.  It is how I orient myself and what guides me gently out of the in between and not so much places back into my vision, back into the possibilities I see and choose to expound upon.  In other words, gratitude is how I get there.  And chocolate - definitely chocolate.

Because I choose to be happy and I choose to believe in my vision - that's why.  Yep, that is my overriding purpose in all of life.  It may or may not be what I am here for, but it is what I choose to do with the fact that I am here.

Monday, September 24, 2012

Dirty Little Secret

It's true.  I've got one.  Knowing it keeps me up at night.  Hiding it consumes me.  Thinking about it makes me sweat.  I remain in a constant state of paranoia every time I venture out my door and down the street - because I assume  - that everybody knows.  I've got a dirty little secret.  (A stunned silence sweeps over my captive audience of...one.)

Indeed, you read that right.  I have an audience of one.  Numero uno.  Cricket noise...cricket noise...cricket noise.  And no, the cricket is not my endearing audience member, that would be my husband.  I have been blogging to him.  Now - that revelation may not seem as dirty and horrible as I made it out to be, nor am I truly up at nights fighting my dark shadows - but having one member is so not the point of a blog.  Nor is it the point of four blogs.

I have wanted to blog for years.  I have actually been doing one in my head for at least that long.  I just never got around to getting it out into the blogosphere.  So, this past spring, I decided it was time and I got right down to the business of writing one blog...then another...then another....and then another.

I have been blogging across four different blogs because they each embody vastly different topics.  I couldn't conceive of how I could make sense of all the different categories under one umbrella.  I wanted to have a food blog for the foodie in me (and you)!  I wanted a blog to explore and share about all of our homeschooling projects and adventures.  I wanted a blog to keep everyone in the know regarding all of my daughter, Averi's, tumbling and dance fun, competitions and recitals.  I wanted a blog about all of my thoughts and musings and rants about life.  C'mon!  You can clearly see four different blogs in that, right?  I wasn't sure how it would all pan out, so I didn't officially release them to the public.  I just waited to see what would unfold.  What did unfold was four sparsely used blogs and a formerly hopeful but now completely disillusioned blogger.

I came in here today because I was going to write up a new blog post.  I hadn't written one in any of my blogs for quite some time and I had an idea that really struck me.  Before today, I had gotten to thinking that I just may not have the time to blog - because it does take time, dedication, thoughtfulness and care to put out a blog, let alone a blog worth reading.  If I was going to bother to write a blog - or four - I wanted it - or them - to be worth reading!  When it turned out that I did not really know into which blog to put my new-found topic of conversation, I knew it was time to reconsider my blogging 'strategy'.  After all, I couldn't possibly start yet another blog and continue to publish it, or all of them, to only my husband.

And that is how we all ended up here.  I re-evaluated all of my topics and categories and determined that I am the common denominator in all of them.  I am uniquely me and I am, more or less (hopefully more), my blog.  I bring my perspective on many topics and I am just going to have to do it in one blog.  Well, two - two blogs! (I am going to keep my daughter's tumbling and dancing and flitting and floating in a blog of it's own because she does a lot of all of those things!)  Also, I am going to publish them where my dirty little secret will be not only out in the open, but will become no more!  As for the thought that originally struck me, well, that will have to wait for another day.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

The Dawn Arises from the Darkness

You should make a vision board, too.  You know you wanna!
This may sound simplistic, but one of the ways that we live an inspired life is to remain ever aware of the things that inspire each of us and constantly keep them right there within our vision.  We do this by talking about it, dreaming about it, writing about it, making lists and taking action where and when we can.  We even create vision boards - which is such a fun and inspiring act in and of itself!

The United States of Texas!

Yep, that's about right!
We recently made a huge cross country move from the South, deep in the heart of (Austin) Texas, where we have lived for the better part of the past 11 1/2 years, to the Midwest, which I pseudo-affectionately call Farmtown, USA.  These parts are Bill's (the hubby) stomping grounds.  We eventually wound up buying a house in his old college town, Charleston, IL.  I mention this, because with a move - especially a cross country one - comes much in the way of change and upheaval.  It can be such a challenge to pull up such deep roots, carry them such a long distance, and put them down somewhere new.  (I know, because we have done this before.)  This was a somewhat unexpected move and not necessarily what was wanted, across the board, so that made an already life altering situation that much more challenging.

Just in fun - not really!
Not only that, we moved from the city where we had always lived, to the country.  And, at first, we were not just in the country, but in the deep woods of the country.  We could almost hear the banjos strumming each time we made the trip to the local town.  We had terrible access to services, so internet and phone coverage was sparse, at best.  It was a whole new world.

You're going the wrong way!!
We were hard pressed to find the joy during that time.  We could have easily remained miserable about the circumstances we were in and no one would have faulted us.  It defied all of the things that inspired us and certainly seemed to be a step in the exact opposite, wrong direction to that of our dreams.  It felt like we were merely surviving and it wasn't really the prettiest picture.  Let me tell you, in a situation like that, it's easy to be all kinds of inspired!  If you are having any trouble clarifying what you do want, landing right smack in the middle of what you don't want will flood you with inspiration!

See?  Awesome quote, unknown author
And so, flooded we were!  We fed off of that inspiration to keep us moving into the direction we wanted to go, and we are still doing that to this day.  It takes some adjusting of the sails in the midst of so much change to even feel like you are pointed in the right direction and sometimes in the midst of it, you cannot really see it, but...(I feel a really wise and inspiring quote coming on.  Are you feelin' it, too?)

I wouldn't say that our new direction is set.  I think we are still moving toward that end.    We have re-planted our roots, though, hopefully into fertile soil.  If not though, we know what we have to do.  By consistently focusing on the things that inspire us, we continually inspire our lives in the direction we want to go.  And, while many may think that inspiration only comes under the best of circumstances, I believe inspiration screams much more loudly under the worst of circumstances.  It just requires never letting go of the vision and the dreams.

Ohhhh, pretty!
There is another significant element to the success of weathering those hard times with our dreams still intact.  In fact, it is so significant in allowing the inspiration to continue to shine through amid the contrast, that without it, I fear the inspiration would be lost.  Fortunately, we are well trained in this matter and that is in seeing the diamond in the rough, or the glass half full.  We simply looked for all that was beautiful in our lives and all we had to be grateful for and that is what, I believe, stoked the fire of inspiration that eventually led us back into a bigger town - a college town, and back in the direction of our dreams.

We are feeling much more settled now.  Even though this is not necessarily the direction we would have chosen at the outset, we accept that life is constantly in motion, constantly changing.  Many times, we are unable to control our outer circumstances.  What we always can control is our reaction and our perspective.  We choose to live an inspired life.


Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Why This Choco-pa-looza?

Let's Meet

Expect me to ALWAYS be up to no good!

Hi, I am Adrienne!  
I am the self-appointed gratitude guru, and author of this Chocolate Covered Blog.  I am looking forward to sharing with the blogosphere my passions, dreams, ponderings and musings, as well as the projects that stem from them.  I am chocolate covered grateful you are here and I hope you will keep coming back!.

I am very excited about this overdose of chocolate!

I think that no matter what the situation or circumstance in which any of us might find ourselves, there is ALWAYS something for which to be grateful - and if we are lucky (I count myself VERY lucky), we have many.  It only takes noticing one's blessings and then counting them regularly.  For some, this may be easy.  Yet for others, it can be difficult to consciously shift their perspective toward their blessings, especially in the face of hard times.  However, difficult does not spell impossible and I believe that absolutely everyone is capable of Chocolate Covered Gratitude.  And, the more time that one spends focusing on those things for which they are grateful, the more and more they keep multiplying - like those fishies in that famous Book people rave about.  

Perhaps, if there is ample interest, we can really delve into some strategies on maximizing our time spent in Chocolate Covered Gratitude.  I bet a delectable chocolate recipe or two would get the ball rolling!

As for me, I spend every day focusing every drop of conscious attention I can muster on the things I appreciate, love, and for which I am grateful.  It has gotten a lot easier for me now that I have amassed a whole world of them.  Still, I have my moments when I realize that I am not focused on them and it is, inevitably, accompanied by a much lower state of being (note the keyword in the first sentence being CONSCIOUS attention).  Yet it is always when I am caught up in the day to day or I am being unconsciously drawn into some 'reality' I do not agree with, that my focus is on that dang bee that is in my bonnet and NOT on the things for which I am grateful!

So, I have to grab hold of my thoughts, try and stop them in their tracks, then gently shift my perspective to my Chocolate Covered Gratitudes.  Next thing I know, I am feeling a whole lot better. It does not always work (I can get stubborn sometimes), but it has a really good track record!  Bottom line...I spend a lot of time being happy, positive, hopeful and with a great big zest for life, and that's all the proof in the chocolate pudding I need.

The inspiration for this virtual chocolate-fest of appreciation is some of my very own, most prized, Chocolate Covered Gratitudes.  My extraordinary family captures the Blue Ribbon here.  It's all about them, for them and with them.  They inspire me in all of the other passions and adventures that are bound to come up in this blog.  Many of you likely know them but some may not so I would love for everyone to meet the fam.  I am sure you will find them nearly as charming as I do.

Me and the hubby, Bill

Ok, he's a little nuts!

Austin - you would never know it from this picture but he is extremely shy.  We will be lucky to get another picture.

Averi - she is NOT camera shy.  You will probably see her a lot!

So, there's my chocolate covered inspiration!  They are the reason I will be sharing my passion for inspired living!  I look forward to and strongly encourage comments and interaction.  'Til next time, happy trails!