Monday, September 24, 2012

Dirty Little Secret

It's true.  I've got one.  Knowing it keeps me up at night.  Hiding it consumes me.  Thinking about it makes me sweat.  I remain in a constant state of paranoia every time I venture out my door and down the street - because I assume  - that everybody knows.  I've got a dirty little secret.  (A stunned silence sweeps over my captive audience

Indeed, you read that right.  I have an audience of one.  Numero uno.  Cricket noise.  And no, the cricket is not my endearing audience member, that would be my husband.  I have been blogging to him.  Now - that revelation may not seem as dirty and horrible as I made it out to be, nor am I truly up at nights fighting my dark shadows - but having one member is so not the point of a blog.  Nor is it the point of four blogs.

I have wanted to blog for years.  I have actually been doing one in my head for at least that long.  I just never got around to getting it out into the blogosphere.  So, this past spring, I decided it was time and I got right down to the business of writing one blog...then another...then another....and then another.

I have been blogging across four different blogs because they each embody vastly different topics.  I couldn't conceive of how I could make sense of all the different categories under one umbrella.  I wanted to have a food blog for the foodie in me (and you)!  I wanted a blog to explore and share about all of our homeschooling projects and adventures.  I wanted a blog to keep everyone in the know regarding all of my daughter, Averi's, tumbling and dance fun, competitions and recitals.  I wanted a blog about all of my thoughts and musings and rants about life.  C'mon!  You can clearly see four different blogs in that, right?  I wasn't sure how it would all pan out, so I didn't officially release them to the public.  I just waited to see what would unfold.  What did unfold was four sparsely used blogs and a formerly hopeful but now completely disillusioned blogger.

I came in here today because I was going to write up a new blog post.  I hadn't written one in any of my blogs for quite some time and I had an idea that really struck me.  Before today, I had gotten to thinking that I just may not have the time to blog - because it does take time, dedication, thoughtfulness and care to put out a blog, let alone a blog worth reading.  If I was going to bother to write a blog - or four - I wanted it - or them - to be worth reading!  When it turned out that I did not really know into which blog to put my new-found topic of conversation, I knew it was time to reconsider my blogging 'strategy'.  After all, I couldn't possibly start yet another blog and continue to publish it, or all of them, to only my husband.

And that is how we all ended up here.  I re-evaluated all of my topics and categories and determined that I am the common denominator in all of them.  I am uniquely me and I am, more or less (hopefully more), my blog.  I bring my perspective on many topics and I am just going to have to do it in one blog.  Well, two - two blogs! (I am going to keep my daughter's tumbling and dancing and flitting and floating in a blog of it's own because she does a lot of all of those things!)  Also, I am going to publish them where my dirty little secret will be not only out in the open, but will become no more!  As for the thought that originally struck me, well, that will have to wait for another day.